Stock Counter Table
What is Pozi.tech
Stock Counter Table?
Pozi.tech SCT solution is an effective digital support tool for service and logistics operations that require large-scale unique product identification, with quality assurance for picking, commissioning and order compilation tasks. With the built in RFID reader built the products placed on the table can be individually identified using the attached RFID tags.

The unique identification can be counted in smaller or larger groups depending on the product properties, so the unique identification can be carried out together with the movement of goods in the bundles.
The ergonomically designed, robust table accurately identifies all RFID-tagged products placed on the designated reading zone with its built-in RFID reader. Due to the design of the technology, the number of false readings is minimized.
In addition to identification, the connected terminals support the logistical processes related to RFID identified goods handling with extensive administrative capabilities.
If required, the terminal can be equipped with a barcode and card reader, and based on usage a label or laser printer can also be mounted on the table.

The Pozi.tech SCT system can be made part of any Pozi.tech sector platform, in which the goal is to support logistics operations that require unique product identification on a larger scale, accordingly, the solution is available within the framework of the following platforms:
Pozi.tech Laundry Management Platform
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Pozi.tech Warehouse Logistics platform
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Pozi.tech Production Logistics Platform
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